1 Peter
How should a Christian understand issues of politics, honoring elected officials, having an overbearing boss, and marriage to an unbelieving spouse? What do we think when following Jesus makes life more difficult? Is it possible to find stability amid a shifting culture where being a Christian is increasingly a minority position? The book of 1 Peter addresses these questions and more. It is, quite possibly, one of the most practical books in the New Testament for Christian discipleship. We are excited to take up this book verse by verse over the next few months. We hope you’ll start reading it on your own, pray with us, and join us on Sundays as we study 1 Peter together.
- Baker Exegetical Commentary series, 1 Peter by Karen Jobes
- The New American Commentary series, 1-2 Peter & Jude by Tom Schreiner
- Bible Speaks Today series, The Message of 1 Peter by Edmund Clowney
- Preaching the Word series, 1-2 Peter & Jude by David Helm
- Sam Storms commentary on 1 Peter in the ESV Commentary series