The Church has always needed wise and resilient spiritual mothers who, drawing from their own union with Christ, build up the Family of God in love. Feminine Virtue is an invitation to reorient our lives around God's good design, to grow in virtue, and to worship God alongside other women.
At our Feminine Virtue conference in February 2024, we explored three virtues: union, wisdom, and fortitude. Union with Christ is our only hope in a culture filled with contradictory expectations and empty distractions. Wisdom beckons us to grow into spiritual mothers who push back darkness and call others out of folly into maturity. Fortitude is required to stand firm on the truth of God's word and remain unmoved by the shifting tides and anxieties of culture. If the women of our church are marked by union, wisdom, and fortitude, they will uniquely shine as prophetic witnesses in a world where these virtues are often uncultivated and overlooked.
A Feminine Prayer
I am a woman. Made by God. Made for God.
I am not my own.
I belong to God, in both body and soul
and long to please him above all others.
I bear the image of my Father
and reflect his goodness and strength
in my life, in my body, and in my work.
I long to be a faithful life giver,
content to nurture and tend
every garden he has given me to cultivate.
I desire to give my life away,
to live as a city on a hill,
to be a spring in the desert for every weary pilgrim.
May I have a Kingdom vision for this world,
for I long to be faithful to Jesus, wherever he calls.
I trust that his eyes see me,
and the work of my hands is blessed in him.
May my ambition to advance his Kingdom
be for his name alone.
I was not made for isolation, but communion,
not for autonomy, but interdependence—
a life rooted in a community of spiritual mothers and fathers,
sisters and brothers, all knit together as one under the kingship of Jesus.
Here, I am formed and give form.
Here, I am nurtured and give nurture.
Here, I am comforted and give comfort.
Here, I am given life and give life in return.
We are women. Made by God. Made for God.
Women are a gift from him.
We are sacred, for we bear the image of our Father.
Download a copy of the Feminine Prayer here.
Feminine Virtue Conference
Take a few minutes to sit in silence and ask the Father the following questions:
- What from the teaching stood out to you? Why?
- What are you thinking and feeling about God?
- How might you respond to him?
Union Prayer
Where our union with you and others has withered from neglect,
restore us to your presence and your people.
Practice: Gospel Community
Practice union with the Body of Christ by participating in a community group and a women's discipleship group.
Feminine Virtue Session 1: Union (Leslie Poe) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Embodied Women
Feminine Virtue Session 2: Embodied Women (Kim Robinson) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Take a few minutes to sit in silence and ask the Father the following questions:
- What from the teaching stood out to you? Why?
- What are you thinking and feeling about God?
- How might you respond to him?
Wisdom Prayer
Where we have lost your voice in the world's noise,
ret your wisdom resound in our hearts.
Practice: Meditate on Scripture
Read and reread a passage of Scripture. What stands out? What do you think and feel about God? Talk to God about it.
Feminine Virtue Session 3: Wisdom (Stacey Russell) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
The Beauty of Submission
Feminine Virtue Session 4: The Beauty of Submission (Sarah Hunter) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Take a few minutes to sit in silence and ask the Father the following questions:
- What from the teaching stood out to you? Why?
- What are you thinking and feeling about God?
- How might you respond to him?
Fortitude Prayer
Where the chaos of the world has weakened us,
renew our courage.
Practice: Worship & Prayer
Notice where you feel anxiety or the chaos of the world. Spend time in prayer and worship. Enjoy God's presence and receive his peace.
Feminine Virtue Session 5: Fortitude (Kori Hall) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Sunday Sermon Series
Over the course of our Feminine Virtue sermon series, we unpacked the gift of biblical womanhood through the metaphors of mother, sister, and bride.
Mother: Woman as Life-Giver
Feminine Virtue Sermon 1: Mother - Woman as Life-Giver (Josh Kouri) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Feminine Virtue Sermon 2: Sister (Kevin Cawley) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Feminine Virtue Sermon 3: Wife (Josh Kouri) from Frontline Church on Vimeo. Listen here.
Additional Resources
If you're looking to dive in deeper, here is a list of recommended resources. The list includes resources on the topics of womanhood, motherhood, singleness, marriage, sisterhood, and more. We also have a Spotify playlist inspired by the Feminine Virtue conference for you to enjoy.
For resources on Masculine Virtue, visit frontlinechurch.com/masculinevirtue.
Feminine Virtue teachings and sermons from Frontline Church on Vimeo:
- Feminine Virtue Session 1: Union (Leslie Poe)
- Feminine Virtue Session 2: Embodied Women (Kim Robinson)
- Feminine Virtue Session 3: Wisdom (Stacey Russell)
- Feminine Virtue Session 4: The Beauty of Submission (Sarah Hunter)
- Feminine Virtue Session 5: Fortitude (Kori Hall)
- Feminine Virtue Sermon 1: Mother - Woman as Life-Giver (Josh Kouri)
- Feminine Virtue Sermon 2: Sister (Kevin Cawley)
- Feminine Virtue Sermon 3: Wife (Josh Kouri)