Feminine Virtue

February 9, 2024 to February 10, 2024
Location: 1104 N. Robinson Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103
Category: Women's EventThe Church has always needed wise and resilient spiritual mothers who, drawing from their own union with Christ, build up the Family of God in love. Feminine Virtue is an invitation to reorient our lives around God's good design, to grow in virtue, and to worship God alongside other women.
Together, we'll explore three virtues: union, wisdom, and fortitude. Union with Christ is our only hope in a culture filled with contradictory expectations and empty distractions. Wisdom beckons us to grow into spiritual mothers who push back darkness and call others out of folly into maturity. Fortitude is required to stand firm on the truth of God's word and remain unmoved by the shifting tides and anxieties of culture. If the women of our church are marked by union, wisdom, and fortitude, they will uniquely shine as prophetic witnesses in a world where these virtues are often uncultivated and overlooked.
We hope you'll join us Friday night and Saturday morning for worship, teaching, and prayer. If you can join us, register here. For more information, visit frontlinechurch.com/femininevirtue.